Social Studies for the 21st Century

About the facilitator

The workshop is conducted by Khurram Ali Shafique, a scholar of international repute and a recipient of the Presidential Iqbal Award

About the workshop

This is an interactive workshop, incorporating learning about the 21st Century skills through activities and group work. Printed handouts and sample lessons are used along with audio-visual aids through multimedia. The workshop comprises of 4 contact hours, divided into sessions as per the convenience of the participants.

Workshop benefits

The workshop enables the participants to see how they can empower themselves and their learners by incorporating the 21st Century skills in the teaching of Social Studies in the Pakistani context so that they succeed individually in the Information Age and also participate in strengthening the country.

Who to attend

The workshop is for principals, curriculum designers, school coordinators and those teachers who are teaching this subject at any level from Class 1 to Class 8 in an English medium school.

Workshop outline

The workshop introduces the three basic categories of the 21st Century skills, with emphasis on contextualizing them for the Pakistani society, enhancing them with input from our own heritage, and understanding why we want these skills and what can be achieved through them. Special focus is on critical thinking, creativity, collaboration and communication, which are the “4 C’s” of the 21st Century learning skills.

Registration and further details

The next session of the workshop is being offered by Topline publishers from 10 am to 1 pm on 8 February 2020 at Oasis Lawn, Main Korangi Crossing Road, Plot C-259, Korangi, Karachi. The event is free and lunch will be served with compliments of the host but please get registered in advance by contacting Topline at (021) 34937440, 0321-9166661 or 0321-3870876 or email

This is a recurring workshop and is offered in various cities of Pakistan. For details, please contact

Feedback from previous sessions

The workshop was first offered by Topline Publishers in Karachi on Saturday 18 January 2020. It was attended by approximately 100 teachers, heads and school administrators.

The workshop was offered for the second time by Topline Publishers in Karachi on Saturday 8 February 2020. It was attended by approximately 150 teachers, heads and school administrators.

How learners feel about the workshop

“How are you feeling at the end of today’s session?” This question is asked at the end of the workshop. Visit the Feelings Page to see the answers given by the participants.

Important learning

“What was the single most important thing you learnt from today’s session (if any)?” This is a question in the feedback forms distributed at the end of the workshop. Visit the Learning Page to see the replies given by the participants.


Visit the FAQ page to see the questions asked by the participants, and their answers.

Suggested reading for the participants

A special post summarizing the basic concept will be published soon and the link will be added here. Stay connected!