“What was the single most important thing you learnt from today’s session (if any)?” This question is asked at the end of each session of the course, Social Studies for the 21st Century. The following are the answers from the participants.
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Topline, January 2020

The workshop was first offered by Topline Publishers in Karachi on Saturday 18 January 2020. The following is the feedback given by the participants at the end of the session.

Teacher, individual, society
I learnt that everyone has a unique quality, and by combining these qualities of the individuals we can achieve every goal.
We can bring a positive change in our students through our teaching.
We should be very honest with our profession.
We as mentors should think differently in order to serve the nation and/or the society.
We should give a higher priority to our society, over and above our personal problems.
If we develop the determination to improve our society, the skills are already there.
To have a healthy bias for one’s nation and to seek its prosperity is absolutely okay!
How to overcome the new challenges that we face as we are teaching the new generation.
The skills which a good teacher must have.
How to impart knowledge to students.
Search your own ability and skill, and be confident.
If we want to do something, first we have to plan and be able to predict to some extent!
I have gained a very high awareness about life.
To meet the poor children and ask them what are their dreams about the future of Pakistan.
To enable your students to relate to the humanity of the under-privileged people.
The 21st Century skills
The 21st Century skills are not just about learning how to fulfill one’s personal ambition, but are best implemented in the context of doing something great for your nation that can help it achieve progress, and help the people to recognize themselves.
I have learnt today how we can work for the success of Pakistan, and how we can use the 21st Century skills in our life.
We learnt about the 21st Century skills, not only for achieving personal targets, but also also that with the help of information we can make Pakistan the leader of South Asia and eradicate poverty. Our goals must be high.
The 21st Century skills can be very useful, and can help us become successful leaders, teachers and human beings.
Filtering and modifying the ideas coming from the West – for the betterment of our country.
The most important thing that I learnt today is not to follow the others’ culture blindly but first to develop a good realization about it.
The real meaning of the 21st Century skills. The facilitator compared them through comparison with the earlier centuries.
The 21st Century skills are not new. Many of them have been inculcated among the learners for centuries.
How we can develop the 21st Century skills with our own roots.
Don’t follow an imported concept about the 21st Century skills blindly, but contextualize it. (Common feedback from 2 participants).
How to implement the 21st Century skills in the classroom. (Common feedback from 2 participants).
How to give the 21st Century skills to our students by incorporating them in our daily routine lessons. (Common feedback from 2 participants).
The importance of the 21st Century skills in Social Studies. (Common feedback from 3 participants).
The 21st Century skills for Pakistan. (Common feedback from 2 participants).
I have learnt the 21st Century skills as related in the handout.
How we can use the 21st Century skills in our life.
The 21st Century skills. (Common feedback of 6 participants).
The 21st Century skills are very important in our lives.
Learnt about the 21st Century skills that must be applied these days for a better future.
What we can do in the 21st Century.
Learning and creativity in the 21st Century. (Common feedback from 3 participants).
Critical thinking – for me, it’s most important. (Common feedback from 2 participants).
Critical thinkers become leaders.
The actual demonstration of collaboration in the workshop.
Team work.
I learnt about literacy skills.
Leaders have foresight.
Every person has a great leadership skill.
The best way to guide the nation through good leadership. (Common feedback from 2 participants).
To teach and manage the leadership.
Take initiative. (Common feedback from 2 participants).
I learnt about flexibility because faith and confidence is most important.
Flexibility to accept others, their way of thinking and their ideas.
Use contemporary techniques.
While-reading activities
That the learners can first read the lesson by themselves with the help of a “while reading” activity, and the teacher may explain it afterwards.
That the students can first search through a text using their own ability, and then the explanation can follow.
Facilitating the students to read the lesson on their own before explaining it to them.
The method to let the children read a text on their own before teaching it to them.
Let the students read on their own first.
I learnt the concept of “while reading” activities.
A “while reading” activity is an essential part for studying a lesson.
It is important to motivate the students through a “while reading” activity before delivering a lecture.
Sample lessons used in the workshop
Unity and leadership. (Common feedback from 3 participants).
Unity. Communication. Leadership.
Unity, humanity and leadership.
The approach to prefer small and implementable things, easy aims and achievable targets instead of far-flung objectives and fantasies – especially because students are unable to digest too high aims and difficult things at a young age.
The concept of humanity.
Simorgh. (Common feedback from 2 participants).
I had read the story of Simorgh in teenage but it got fully explained today.
I learnt many things from the story of Simorgh and the life of Begum Raana Liaquat Ali Khan.
The devotion of Begum Raana Liaquat Ali Khan to our country, Pakistan, and her contribution.
The things about Begum Raana Liaquat Ali Khan, which I really didn’t know before. (Common feedback from 2 participants).
About Begum Raana Liaquat Ali Khan.
The Topline Social Studies Programme is very good and I like every chapter of your book.
Topline, February 2020

The workshop was first offered by Topline Publishers in Karachi on Saturday 8 February 2020. The following is the feedback given by the participants at the end of the session.
Teacher, individual, society
Teaching skills.
The problems of our country, and that we should take action about them. (3)
I think that this session is an example of a hopeful citizen and the world’s best thinker.
That we can eradicate poverty from our society while achieving success in our individual careers.
Today I learnt that we should empower ourselves and take stand about everything which we want to change.
I am feeling inspired by the way of teaching presented in this workshops.
Little deeds of kindness can be done every day, and if you cannot do something greater at least think about it.
The most important thing I learnt is how we can play our role in the development of our country.
We should pray to God every day that Pakistan should lead South Asia for establishing peace and justice in the region, and that poverty should be eradicated completely. (4)
The 21st Century skills
21st Century skills for Pakistan. (5)
“4 C’s”. (3)
Critical thinking. (2)
Communication. (2)
Collaboration. (4)
Creativity. (3)
Initiative, unity, leadership.
To take the first step and unite. (2)
The single most important thing I learnt is that this is no longer the age of individual leadership, but everyone is a leader although in a different way.
That it is necessary for all of us to be leaders.
Creativity and critical thinking.
Unity is the most important thing in 21st Century skills. (4)
The concept of skill application.
Unity is the best leader. (2)
While reading activity was the most important concept I learnt from this workshop. (3)
“Identifying” as a method for creating “while reading” activities. (3)
The concept of “after reading” activities.
Sample lessons used in the workshop
We can learn from the common people regardless of their educational backgrounds.
I learnt here about “unity”. Unity makes our nation strong and powerful.
Unity, prosperity and dignity, and that we should fulfill our duty to our society.
In order to progress, we have to be creative and united.
The truck driver video. It taught us about unity. (5)
Unity. We should be united. (2)
Unity. If we are all united on all things, we can move forward and our country can make progress.
Simorgh (5).
The story of Simorgh. I heard it for the first time and it relates with our daily life, and can help us fulfill our mission.
Unity. (11)
Unity, which is the most important thing for our society. We cannot grow without it.
Relation of national songs with Social Studies.
We are all connected by our culture. It helps us see what we don’t see. (2)
Unity, faith and discipline. (3)
Unity is strength. (2)
You may also like to see the Course Page, the Feelings Page and the FAQs.
The next session of the workshop is being offered by Topline publishers from 10 am to 1 pm on 8 February 2020 at Oasis Lawn, Main Korangi Crossing Road, Plot C-259, Korangi, Karachi. The event is free and lunch will be served with compliments of the host but please get registered in advance by contacting Topline at (021) 34937440, 0321-9166661 or 0321-3870876 or email toplinepublishers@gmail.com