Ibne Safi (1928-1980) was the most popular Urdu novelist of all times, and one of the major exponents of what we call the Iqbal Sciences, or the Third Wave Enlightenment. Soundwise Media has taken up the daunting task of converting all the novels of Ibn-e-Safi (approximately 240 titles) into “audio-films”, and I am writing the scripts.
These audio-films are available to the international audience from Amazon Audible. Listeners in Pakistan can listen on MyTelenor app (you need to install in the app in your phone, but you don’t have to be a Telenor user for listening to the audio-film). The novels already converted into audio-films are listed on this page, with clickable links taking you to each novel on Audible. Those who wish to read the original texts online can of the novels can install Abeeb Online app in their phone for reading the novels online or can purchase hard copies from Atlantis.
Imran Series: Season 1
Jasoosi Duniya: Season 1
More titles are coming up soon.