‘8 Days a Week’, Dawn Tuesday Review, 17-26 December 1996
This is the first launch of EMI since the company’s return from its crisis. Tanveer Afridi, who has composed and sung the songs, displays a fine sensitivity for the eastern traditions of melody – even though the songs sound contemporary (as they very much are) there is something in the tunes which reminds of folk and popular film songs (Afridi is known to be an ardent pupil of Nisar Bazmi – no coincidence). The title song is perhaps the best of the pack, mixing modern instruments in an oldish arrangement that is reminiscent of O. P. Nayyar.
The thirteen songs included in the album aim to facilitate a variety of tastes – modern, folk, rustic, urban (which is why few people will like the whole of it, but perhaps everyone will like some of it). The cassette stands out distinctively on the shelf amongst rows of recent music albums which all sound alike.